Agora Gallery- Contempory gallery in Chelsea - art links - fine art database
ArTatoO! - Free galleries
Art baby! art! - Enter at your own risk!! - Bulgarian art and culture, groovy logo
Art Crawl - artists and links - art and art criticism
Artcritique - gallery and forums daily online art newspaper, Mani de Li - visit canadian artists - Original art for sale. Personalized consulting services
Art links on the world wide web - Jeffrey Howe, Boston College
Art History Resources, Chris Whitcomb
Art Navigator - directory for artists, dealers and art amateurs - international exhibition listings and opinion
Art-Search Canada and Art-Search US - arts directory in useful map format - visual arts directory
Avisen-avk - Danish international art gallery
Blue Moon Web Design - original paintings by Teresa Bernard, professional web design, free lessons
CARFAC, Canadian Artists Representation - Classic carving patterns, many links - wood carving supplies and information
CHURN - an art magazine
Climate Change Education .Org/ visual arts
Clitink/ - Netherlands based. They focus on sounds and visuals, combined with thoughts, theories and total lunacy - Custom carvings and engravings. Carving books and carving tools. Handcrafted gunstocks, pistol grips, giftboxes, jewelry and jewelry boxes - the art of collage
The Compleat Sculptor - Supplies and information
Creativity Pool - A free pool of global innovation and future inventions. People can search the database for creative inspiration, or donate new ideas and be rewarded.
Creativity Portal - Creativity resources for visual artists and others
Cream, Millennium Art Gallery Webzine
dART - Internet art database
Digital Consciousness Artists Database
Engelen oil paintings and instruction
Exploring Color and Creativity - Nita Leland
Eyes Wide Open - visual arts linker - Free auction records. Price database for art.
GooArt- Art links directory
Growabrain- fucked idiosyncratic links..Beastly links... - ...Unusual art and artists Try this thought experiment: put laptop (on growabrain) on gallery floor, hang gauze..... - tons of stuff here, including very much about watercolor, color vision and color theory
Janet Heaton - paintings of wildlife
International Sculpture Center
James - directory and art by James
Latham Studios - wildlife and nature art
Little Shavers Wood Carving Supply - Supplies and information
Lucid Cafe - Coffee, Art, History and Literature
Modern Art - A Skeptical View- Mani de Li
National Woodcarvers Association
New directions in art... What is happening
Northwest Wood Carving Association
NYFA - Links and resources, sponsored by New York Foundation for the Arts
Old Dave's Woodshop - links, information, resources for woodworkers
Pinewood Forge - woodcarving knives, supplies, information
Preferred Edge Knives - Wood Carving Knives, Supplies
Pet Portraits and Wildlife - Katja Turnsek
Servante of Darkness - Horror, SF, and Noir. Words & Sounds for the Living, a blog of thought and criticism
Shoales Culture -an emerging arts community on the Tennessee river in North Alabama.
Sugar Pine Woodcarving Supplies
Tony Ward- Sculptured wood boxes from Blue Mountains, Australia
Visual Arts Links - Jonathan Talbot
Virtual Space for Arts and Communication
Visionary - Online Art Gallery specializing in Outsider Art from the American South.
Voice of the Shuttle- database, U. California, Santa Barbara
WetCanvas - discussion, articles, tutorials, and more, for artists in all media - wildlife artists' netlink
Wildlife Art Guide - guide to wildlife art and the artists who make it
Wildlife Paintings by Janet Heaton - Paintings of Birds and Mammals of Africa and North America.
WoodBeeCarver - Carving and whittling blog - woodcarving information, New Zealand site
Wooden Knot Art - wood sculpture by Mike Hasler
Wood Web Links - A directory of wood related websites
West Coast Foundation For Modern Art
Wotartist - Art portfolio website
The Realistic Wildlife Art of Wes & Rachelle Siegrist -paintings, miniatures and reproductions of songbirds, gamebirds and mammals. - Thousands of art links
Zeke's Gallery -Canadian Blog, Stuff Happening...
..back to..Sculpture in Wood, Caril Chasens